Wired Lace Bowl (magenta) by Safari Fusion www.safarifusion.com.au
Wired Lace Bowl (magenta) by Safari Fusion www.safarifusion.com.au
Wired Lace Bowl (magenta) by Safari Fusion www.safarifusion.com.au
Wired Lace Bowl (magenta) | Detail view
Wired Lace Bowls by Safari Fusion www.safarifusion.com.au

Wired Lace Bowl (magenta)


  • The Story
  • Delivery
  • Contact Us
    The Zulu people of South Africa are renowned as Africa's finest weavers. During the 1950s Zulu weavers discovered a new material to replace grass in their woven izimbenge [beer pot covers], thin wires found inside telephone cables. The bright colour wires gave the weavers a new rich rainbow palette to design their woven creations.

    - Woven in a solid colour using thin telephone wire.
    - The centre of the bowl is woven tightly whilst the edge features a beautiful cut out lace design.
    - An iconic craft / art piece of South Africa, we just love these wire creations!
    - Place the bowl on a table, console or dresser; or mount on the wall with other baskets and objects.

    diameter 31 cm | height 3.5 cm | weight 0.473 kg


  • Contact Kellie at Shear & Wood for a delivery quote with Australia Post or TNT Express.

  • For more information contact us:-

    T / SMS
    +61 (0) 416 037 117
    E kellie@shearandwood.com.au